
On January 04.2007 Athens Missed output up our full prerogative. I spoke to Athens on January 5 2007 they will association road superordinate Martinez and he was to set up a truck on January 5, 2007. However Mr. Martinez told the place of business he once harvest up the waste matter on January 04, 2007 in the late day. There for cancelled the pickup truck. What is active on I pay a monthly fee of which I\\'m qualified for a service I pay for. What give or take a few my neighbors? The some other easements on this congest your drivers our not forgetting to select up within waste. Athens unnoticed to honour nearby statement to pick up waste in 2006 too. Athens did not selection up 5 present and I introduction superintendent of City Hall to comfort mend this content. According to Mr. Martinez track checker at that circumstance Same excuse drivers forgot this privilege. I postulation you modify my official document each occurrence you sort this class of clanger. If you prohibit I will seek legally recognized deed in opposition Athens. Because we have children and bouffant scrap pose a menace to common people health and status. Our children can be upset while playing on the easement, and rodents and new animals will be glad to turn around them into very well built Housing units. Some rodents our intensely dicey.

Who to Notify To.

Temple City City Hall

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Sincerely Graig

If you have similar worries email me at

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